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ParamInstanceInteriorNode dataclass

Bases: t.Generic[T]

Tree data stucture that represents all the param values for a particular command execution

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/define/param/
class ParamInstanceInteriorNode(t.Generic[T]):
    """Tree data stucture that represents all
    the param values for a particular command execution"""

    name: str
    cls: T
    children: list[ParamInstanceInteriorNode[t.Any] | ParamInstanceLeafNode]

    def leaves(self) -> t.Generator[ParamInstanceLeafNode, None, None]:
        for value in self.children:
            if isinstance(value, ParamInstanceInteriorNode):
                yield from value.leaves()
                yield value

    def compile(self, include_hidden: bool = False) -> T:
        compiled = {}

        for child in self.children:
            if isinstance(child, ParamInstanceInteriorNode):
                compiled[] = child.compile(include_hidden)
                if child.param.expose or include_hidden:
                    compiled[] = child.value

        return self.cls(**compiled)