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Plugins are a way for third party packages to extend the functionality of arc. They can be either be added by the user or by the developer of the CLI application, depending on how the plugin loading has been configured.

Generally, plugins look like the following:

import arc

def plugin(ctx: arc.Context):
    command = ctx.root

    def middleware(ctx: arc.Context):
        arc.print("Starting plugin middleware!")
        arc.print("Ending plugin middleware!")

    def subcommand():
        arc.print("Subcommand installed by plugin!")

The plugin is a callable that receives the arc.Context() object as its only argument. This function can then be used to add new commands, options, arguments, middlewares, etc. to the CLI application.

Loading Plugins

Plugins are loaded in three ways:

  1. By Path
  2. By Entrypoint Group
  3. By Entrypoint Value

Paths should be a list of strings that point to either a python file or a directory. If a directory is provided, all python files in that directory will attempted be loaded as plugins.

Each plugin that is to be loaded should have a callable object named plugin that takes a single argument, the arc.Context() object.

import arc


A list of entry points groups as defined by the Entry Point Specification. The value of the entrypoint should be a callable object that takes a single argument, the arc.Context() object.

import arc


A list of entry points values as defined by the Entry Point Specification. Should be a callable object that takes a single argument, the arc.Context() object.

import arc
