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Module contains code relavent to ANSI escape codes


Utility methods for ANSI color codes

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
class Ansi:
    """Utility methods for ANSI color codes"""

    def __init__(self, content: t.Any):
        self.__content = content

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"\033[{self.__content}"

    def clean(cls, string: str) -> str:
        """Gets rid of escape sequences"""
        return cls.__ansi_escape().sub("", string)

    def len(cls, string: str) -> int:
        """Length of a string, not including escape sequences"""
        length = 0
        in_escape_code = False

        for char in string:
            if in_escape_code and char == "m":
                in_escape_code = False
            elif char == "\x1b" or in_escape_code:
                in_escape_code = True
                length += 1

        return length

    def __ansi_escape(self) -> re.Pattern[str]:
        return re.compile(r"(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -\/]*[@-~]")

clean(string) classmethod

Gets rid of escape sequences

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def clean(cls, string: str) -> str:
    """Gets rid of escape sequences"""
    return cls.__ansi_escape().sub("", string)

len(string) classmethod

Length of a string, not including escape sequences

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def len(cls, string: str) -> int:
    """Length of a string, not including escape sequences"""
    length = 0
    in_escape_code = False

    for char in string:
        if in_escape_code and char == "m":
            in_escape_code = False
        elif char == "\x1b" or in_escape_code:
            in_escape_code = True
            length += 1

    return length


Background colors

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
class bg:
    """Background colors"""

    BLACK = "\033[40m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS black"""
    RED = "\033[41m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS red"""
    GREEN = "\033[42m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS green"""
    YELLOW = "\033[43m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS yellow"""
    BLUE = "\033[44m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS blue"""
    MAGENTA = "\033[45m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS magenta"""
    CYAN = "\033[46m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS cyan"""
    WHITE = "\033[47m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS white"""
    GREY = "\033[100m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS grey"""
    BRIGHT_RED = "\033[101m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright red"""
    BRIGHT_GREEN = "\033[102m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright green"""
    BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\033[103m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright yellow"""
    BRIGHT_BLUE = "\033[104m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright blue"""
    BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\033[105m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright magenta"""
    BRIGHT_CYAN = "\033[106m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright cyan"""
    BRIGHT_WHITE = "\033[107m"
    """Escape code for background ANIS bright white"""
    ARC_BLUE = "\033[48;2;59;192;240m"
    """The blue used in arc branding"""

    def rgb(red: int = 0, green: int = 0, blue: int = 0) -> str:
        """Returns the **background** escape
        sequence for the provided rgb values"""
        return _rgb(48, red, green, blue)

    def hex(hex_code: str | int) -> str:
        """Returns the **background** escape
        sequence for the provided hex value"""
        return _rgb(48, *_hex_to_rgb(hex_code))

ARC_BLUE = '\x1b[48;2;59;192;240m' instance-attribute class-attribute

The blue used in arc branding

BLACK = '\x1b[40m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS black

BLUE = '\x1b[44m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS blue

BRIGHT_BLUE = '\x1b[104m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright blue

BRIGHT_CYAN = '\x1b[106m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright cyan

BRIGHT_GREEN = '\x1b[102m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright green

BRIGHT_MAGENTA = '\x1b[105m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright magenta

BRIGHT_RED = '\x1b[101m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright red

BRIGHT_WHITE = '\x1b[107m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright white

BRIGHT_YELLOW = '\x1b[103m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS bright yellow

CYAN = '\x1b[46m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS cyan

GREEN = '\x1b[42m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS green

GREY = '\x1b[100m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS grey

MAGENTA = '\x1b[45m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS magenta

RED = '\x1b[41m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS red

WHITE = '\x1b[47m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS white

YELLOW = '\x1b[43m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for background ANIS yellow

hex(hex_code) staticmethod

Returns the background escape sequence for the provided hex value

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def hex(hex_code: str | int) -> str:
    """Returns the **background** escape
    sequence for the provided hex value"""
    return _rgb(48, *_hex_to_rgb(hex_code))

rgb(red=0, green=0, blue=0) staticmethod

Returns the background escape sequence for the provided rgb values

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def rgb(red: int = 0, green: int = 0, blue: int = 0) -> str:
    """Returns the **background** escape
    sequence for the provided rgb values"""
    return _rgb(48, red, green, blue)


Foreground colors

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
class fg:
    """Foreground colors"""

    BLACK = "\033[30m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI black"""
    RED = "\033[31m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI red"""
    GREEN = "\033[32m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI green"""
    YELLOW = "\033[33m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI yellow"""
    BLUE = "\033[34m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI blue"""
    MAGENTA = "\033[35m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI magenta"""
    CYAN = "\033[36m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI cyan"""
    WHITE = "\033[37m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI white"""
    GREY = "\033[90m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI grey"""
    BRIGHT_RED = "\033[91m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI bright red"""
    BRIGHT_GREEN = "\033[92m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI bright green"""
    BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\033[93m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI bright yellow"""
    BRIGHT_BLUE = "\033[94m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI brightblue"""
    BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\033[95m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI bright magenta"""
    BRIGHT_CYAN = "\033[96m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI bright cyan"""
    BRIGHT_WHITE = "\033[97m"
    """Escape code for foreground ANSI bright white"""
    ARC_BLUE = "\033[38;2;59;192;240m"
    """The blue used in arc branding"""

    def rgb(red: int = 0, green: int = 0, blue: int = 0) -> str:
        """Returns the **foreground** escape
        sequence for the provided rgb values"""
        return _rgb(38, red, green, blue)

    def hex(hex_code: str | int) -> str:
        """Returns the **foreground** escape
        sequence for the provided hex values"""
        return _rgb(38, *_hex_to_rgb(hex_code))

ARC_BLUE = '\x1b[38;2;59;192;240m' instance-attribute class-attribute

The blue used in arc branding

BLACK = '\x1b[30m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI black

BLUE = '\x1b[34m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI blue

BRIGHT_BLUE = '\x1b[94m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI brightblue

BRIGHT_CYAN = '\x1b[96m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI bright cyan

BRIGHT_GREEN = '\x1b[92m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI bright green

BRIGHT_MAGENTA = '\x1b[95m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI bright magenta

BRIGHT_RED = '\x1b[91m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI bright red

BRIGHT_WHITE = '\x1b[97m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI bright white

BRIGHT_YELLOW = '\x1b[93m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI bright yellow

CYAN = '\x1b[36m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI cyan

GREEN = '\x1b[32m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI green

GREY = '\x1b[90m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI grey

MAGENTA = '\x1b[35m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI magenta

RED = '\x1b[31m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI red

WHITE = '\x1b[37m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI white

YELLOW = '\x1b[33m' instance-attribute class-attribute

Escape code for foreground ANSI yellow

hex(hex_code) staticmethod

Returns the foreground escape sequence for the provided hex values

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def hex(hex_code: str | int) -> str:
    """Returns the **foreground** escape
    sequence for the provided hex values"""
    return _rgb(38, *_hex_to_rgb(hex_code))

rgb(red=0, green=0, blue=0) staticmethod

Returns the foreground escape sequence for the provided rgb values

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def rgb(red: int = 0, green: int = 0, blue: int = 0) -> str:
    """Returns the **foreground** escape
    sequence for the provided rgb values"""
    return _rgb(38, red, green, blue)


Other effects like CLEAR or BOLD. Support from terminal to terminal may vary

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
class fx:
    """Other effects like `CLEAR` or `BOLD`.
    Support from terminal to terminal may vary"""

    CLEAR = "\033[0m"
    BOLD = "\033[1m"
    ITALIC = "\033[3m"
    UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"
    STRIKETHROUGH = "\033[9m"

colorize(string, *codes, clear=True)

Applies colors / effects to an entire string


Name Type Description Default
string str

String to colorize

*codes str

colors / effects to apply to the strin

clear bool

Whether or not to append effects.CLEAR to the end of the string which will prevent any subsequent strings from recieving the styles. Defaults to True



Name Type Description
string str

The colorized string

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def colorize(string: str, *codes: str, clear: bool = True) -> str:
    """Applies colors / effects to an entire string

        string (str): String to colorize
        *codes (str): colors / effects to apply to the strin
        clear (bool): Whether or not to append `effects.CLEAR`
            to the end of the string which will prevent any
            subsequent strings from recieving the styles. Defaults
            to True

        string: The colorized string
    return f"{''.join(str(code) for code in codes)}{string}{fx.CLEAR if clear else ''}"