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Presenter for creating a Box around provided text


    arc.print(Box('some cool text', padding=2, justify='center')) ->

    │                    │
    │                    │
    │   some cool text   │
    │                    │
    │                    │
Will accept colorized strings

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
class Box:
    """Presenter for creating a Box around provided text

        arc.print(Box('some cool text', padding=2, justify='center')) ->

        │                    │
        │                    │
        │   some cool text   │
        │                    │
        │                    │
    Will accept colorized strings

    def __init__(
        string: str,
        border: str = "rounded",
        padding: Union[int, dict[str, int]] = 0,
        justify: Justification = "center",
        color: str = fg.WHITE,
            string: String to surround with a box - May be colored
            border: Border style, either 'light' or 'heavy' defaults to 'light'
            padding: Dictionary containing the padding of each side of the string
                    defaults to: `{"top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0}`
                    If all sides are going to have the same padding, can just pass
                    in that integer, rather than the entire dictionary
            justify: how to justify the text (left, center, right). Defaults to left
            color: What color the border should be. Defaults to white.
                    Use `arc.color.fg` constants
        self.string = string
        self.__border: Border = borders[border]
        self.__justify = justifications[justify]
        self.__padding = self.__get_padding(padding)
        self.__color = color

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        cleaned = list(
            self.pad_line(Ansi.clean(string)) for string in self.string.split("\n")
        width = len(max(cleaned, key=len)) + 4
        term_width, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size()
        width = min(width, term_width)

        pad_top = Join.together(
            self.format_line("", width) for _ in range(0, self.__padding["top"])
        content = Join.together(
            self.format_line(line, width, clean_line)
            for line, clean_line in zip(self.string.split("\n"), cleaned)
        pad_btm = Join.together(
            self.format_line("", width) for _ in range(0, self.__padding["bottom"])

        content = f"{pad_top}{content}{pad_btm}"

        top = self.horizontal_border(width, "top")
        bottom = self.horizontal_border(width, "bot")
        return f"{top}\n{content}{bottom}"

    def border(self) -> Border:
        """Dictionary containting the border stylings"""
        return self.__border

    def border(self, value: str) -> None:
        self.__border = borders[value]

    # Utils

    def horizontal_border(self, width: int, side: str) -> str:
        return Join.together(
                self.border["corner"][f"{side}_left"],  # type: ignore
                self.border["horizontal"] * (width - 2),
                self.border["corner"][f"{side}_right"],  # type: ignore

    def format_line(
        line: str,
        width: int,
        cleaned: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> str:
        cleaned = cleaned or line
        formatted = (
            f"{cleaned:{self.__justify}{width - 2}}"

        if line == "":
            return formatted

        # Uses the clean string for calculating the necessary
        # amount of padding on the right, but we want the color, so
        # just re.sub it back in after
        regex = re.compile(cleaned)
        formatted = regex.sub(self.pad_line(line), formatted)
        return formatted

    def pad_line(self, line: str) -> str:
        return " " * self.__padding["left"] + line + " " * self.__padding["right"]

    def __get_padding(padding: Union[int, dict[str, int]]) -> dict[str, int]:
        default_padding = {"top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0}
        if isinstance(padding, int):
            return dict.fromkeys(default_padding, padding)
        if isinstance(padding, dict):
            return default_padding | padding

        return default_padding

border: Border property writable

Dictionary containting the border stylings

__init__(string, border='rounded', padding=0, justify='center', color=fg.WHITE)


Name Type Description Default
string str

String to surround with a box - May be colored

border str

Border style, either 'light' or 'heavy' defaults to 'light'

padding Union[int, dict[str, int]]

Dictionary containing the padding of each side of the string defaults to: {"top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0} If all sides are going to have the same padding, can just pass in that integer, rather than the entire dictionary

justify Justification

how to justify the text (left, center, right). Defaults to left

color str

What color the border should be. Defaults to white. Use arc.color.fg constants

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/present/
def __init__(
    string: str,
    border: str = "rounded",
    padding: Union[int, dict[str, int]] = 0,
    justify: Justification = "center",
    color: str = fg.WHITE,
        string: String to surround with a box - May be colored
        border: Border style, either 'light' or 'heavy' defaults to 'light'
        padding: Dictionary containing the padding of each side of the string
                defaults to: `{"top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0}`
                If all sides are going to have the same padding, can just pass
                in that integer, rather than the entire dictionary
        justify: how to justify the text (left, center, right). Defaults to left
        color: What color the border should be. Defaults to white.
                Use `arc.color.fg` constants
    self.string = string
    self.__border: Border = borders[border]
    self.__justify = justifications[justify]
    self.__padding = self.__get_padding(padding)
    self.__color = color