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Bases: ABC, t.Generic[T]

Base Question class

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
class BaseQuestion(ABC, t.Generic[T]):
    """Base Question class"""

    def err(self, error: str) -> t.NoReturn:
        """Inform the user that an error has
        occured when trying to process their answer"""
        raise QuestionError(error)

    def render(self) -> t.Iterable[str]:
        """Returns an iterable of strings
        to be printed to the output"""


Inform the user that an error has occured when trying to process their answer

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
def err(self, error: str) -> t.NoReturn:
    """Inform the user that an error has
    occured when trying to process their answer"""
    raise QuestionError(error)

render() abstractmethod

Returns an iterable of strings to be printed to the output

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
def render(self) -> t.Iterable[str]:
    """Returns an iterable of strings
    to be printed to the output"""


Bases: MappedInputQuestion[bool]

Question to get a yes / no from the user

Prompt.confirm() is an alias for asking this question

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
class ConfirmQuestion(MappedInputQuestion[bool]):
    """Question to get a yes / no from the user

    `Prompt.confirm()` is an alias for asking this question

    def __init__(self, prompt: str, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None:
                "y": True,
                "yes": True,
                "n": False,
                "no": False,


Bases: Question[T]

Question to request textual input from the user. Similar to using input() with add validations.

Prompt.input() is an alias for asking this question

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
class InputQuestion(Question[T]):
    """Question to request textual input from the user.
    Similar to using `input()` with add validations.

    `Prompt.input()` is an alias for asking this question

    def __init__(
        prompt: str,
        convert: type[T] = None,
        default: T | constants.Constant = constants.MISSING_DEFAULT,
        echo: bool = True,
    ) -> None:

            prompt (str): String to be displayed before the cursor
            convert (type[T], optional): A type to attempt converting
                the user input into. Should be a supported arc type. If
                conversion fails, an error will be emmited and the user
                will be prompted to enter a value again.
            default (T | constants.Constant, optional): A default to return
                if the user does not enter any input (just hits the enter key).
                If there is no default provided, the user must give some form of
                input, or exit the program with Ctrl-C
            echo (bool, optional): Whether to echo the user's input out to the screen.
        self.prompt = prompt
        self.convert_to = convert
        self.default = default

    def render(self) -> t.Iterable[str]:
        yield self.prompt

    def handle_answer(self, value: str) -> T:
        if not value:
            if self.default is not constants.MISSING_DEFAULT:
                return t.cast(T, self.default)
                self.err("Cannot be blank")

        value = self.validate(value)

        if self.convert_to is None:
            return t.cast(T, value)
            return self.convert(value, self.convert_to)

    def validate(self, value: str) -> t.Any:
        return value

    def convert(self, value: str, type: type[C]) -> C:
            return arc.convert(value, type)
        except errors.ConversionError as e:

__init__(prompt, convert=None, *, default=constants.MISSING_DEFAULT, echo=True)


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

String to be displayed before the cursor

convert type[T]

A type to attempt converting the user input into. Should be a supported arc type. If conversion fails, an error will be emmited and the user will be prompted to enter a value again.

default T | constants.Constant

A default to return if the user does not enter any input (just hits the enter key). If there is no default provided, the user must give some form of input, or exit the program with Ctrl-C

echo bool

Whether to echo the user's input out to the screen.

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
def __init__(
    prompt: str,
    convert: type[T] = None,
    default: T | constants.Constant = constants.MISSING_DEFAULT,
    echo: bool = True,
) -> None:

        prompt (str): String to be displayed before the cursor
        convert (type[T], optional): A type to attempt converting
            the user input into. Should be a supported arc type. If
            conversion fails, an error will be emmited and the user
            will be prompted to enter a value again.
        default (T | constants.Constant, optional): A default to return
            if the user does not enter any input (just hits the enter key).
            If there is no default provided, the user must give some form of
            input, or exit the program with Ctrl-C
        echo (bool, optional): Whether to echo the user's input out to the screen.
    self.prompt = prompt
    self.convert_to = convert
    self.default = default


Bases: InputQuestion[tuple[int, str]]

Question with multiple possible options

MultipleChoiceQuestion(["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3",])
[0] Option 1
[1] Option 2
[3] Option 3
Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
class MultipleChoiceQuestion(InputQuestion[tuple[int, str]]):
    """Question with multiple possible options

    MultipleChoiceQuestion(["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3",])
    [0] Option 1
    [1] Option 2
    [3] Option 3

    def __init__(self, prompt: str, choices: t.Sequence[str], **kwargs: t.Any):
        super().__init__(prompt, **kwargs)
        self.choices = choices

    def render(self) -> t.Iterable[str]:
        yield self.prompt + "\n"

        for idx, choice in enumerate(self.choices):
            yield f"[{idx}] {choice}\n"

        yield "> "

    def validate(self, answer: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
        val = self.convert(answer, int)

        if val < 0 or val >= len(self.choices):
            self.err("Input not in range")

        return val, self.choices[val]


Bases: InputQuestion[int]

Question for a number in a given range

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
class RangeQuestion(InputQuestion[int]):
    """Question for a number in a given range"""

    def __init__(self, prompt: str, min: int, max: int, **kwargs: t.Any):
            min: the smallest number possible
            max: the largest  number possible
        super().__init__(prompt, convert=int, **kwargs)
        self.min = min
        self.max = max

    def validate(self, answer: str) -> int:
        val = self.convert(answer, int)
        if val < self.min or val > self.max:
            self.err(f"Must be between {self.min} and {self.max}")

        return val

__init__(prompt, min, max, **kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
min int

the smallest number possible

max int

the largest number possible

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
def __init__(self, prompt: str, min: int, max: int, **kwargs: t.Any):
        min: the smallest number possible
        max: the largest  number possible
    super().__init__(prompt, convert=int, **kwargs)
    self.min = min
    self.max = max


Bases: RawQuestion[T]

Presents the user with a menu that they can select an option from is an alias for asking this question

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/prompt/
class SelectQuestion(RawQuestion[T]):
    """Presents the user with a menu that they can select an option from

    `` is an alias for asking this question

    selected = State(0)

    def __init__(
        prompt: str,
        options: t.Sequence[tuple[T, str]],
        highlight_color: str = fg.ARC_BLUE,
    ) -> None:
        self.prompt = prompt
        self.char = "❯"
        self.options = self.__normalize_options(options)
        self.highlight_color = highlight_color

    def on_key(self, key: str) -> None:
        if key == ARROW_UP:
            self.selected = max(0, self.selected - 1)
        elif key == ARROW_DOWN:
            self.selected = min(len(self.options) - 1, self.selected + 1)
        elif key.isnumeric():
            index = int(key)
            if index < len(self.options):
                self.selected = index

    def on_line(self, _line: str) -> None:

    def render(self) -> t.Iterable[str]:
        yield self.prompt
        yield "\n\r"
        for idx, item in enumerate(self.options):
            label = item[1]
            if idx == self.selected:
                yield colorize(f"  {self.char} {label}", self.highlight_color)
                yield colorize(f"    {label}", fg.GREY)

            yield "\r\n"

    def __normalize_options(
        self, options: t.Sequence[T] | t.Sequence[tuple[T, str]]
    ) -> t.Sequence[tuple[T, str]]:
        if isinstance(options[0], tuple):
            return t.cast(t.Sequence[tuple[T, str]], options)

        options = t.cast(t.Sequence[T], options)
        return [(item, str(item)) for item in options]