Bases: collections.UserDict[str, t.Any]
Context is a dict-like object that serves as
the shared execution state for all arc
Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/runtime/
| class Context(collections.UserDict[str, t.Any]):
"""Context is a dict-like object that serves as
the shared execution state for all `arc` component
def root(self) -> Command:
"""The root command object. Alias for `ctx["arc.root"]`"""
return self["arc.root"]
def command(self) -> Command:
"""The command object being executed. Alias for `ctx["arc.command"]`"""
return self["arc.command"]
def state(self) -> dict[str, t.Any]:
"""The state object passed in. Alias for `ctx["arc.state"]`"""
return self["arc.state"]
def logger(self) -> Logger:
"""The arc logger. Alias for `ctx["arc.logger"]`"""
return self["arc.logger"]
def app(self) -> App:
"""The arc app. Alias for `ctx[""]`"""
return self[""]
def config(self) -> Config:
"""The configuration for this app. Alias for `ctx["arc.config"]`"""
return self["arc.config"]
def prompt(self) -> Prompt:
"""The prompt object congigured. Alias for `ctx["arc.config"].prompt`"""
return self.config.prompt
def execute(self, command: Command, **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any:
"""Execute a command within the context of another command
import arc
def command(ctx: arc.Context):
ctx.execute(sub, val=2)
def sub(val: int):
return, **kwargs)
def set_origin(self, param_name: str, origin: str) -> None:
"""Sets the origin of a parameter"""
origins = self.setdefault("", {})
origins[param_name] = origin
def get_origin(self, param_name: str) -> str | None:
def get_origin(self, param_name: str, default: T) -> str | T:
def get_origin(self, param_name: str, default: T | None = None) -> str | T | None:
"""Gets the origin of a paramter"""
origins: dict[str, str] | None = self.get("")
if not origins:
return default
return origins.get(param_name, default)
def __depends__(cls, ctx: Context) -> Context:
"""Makes the context a dependency"""
return ctx
app: App
The arc app. Alias for ctx[""]
command: Command
The command object being executed. Alias for ctx["arc.command"]
config: Config
The configuration for this app. Alias for ctx["arc.config"]
logger: Logger
The arc logger. Alias for ctx["arc.logger"]
prompt: Prompt
The prompt object congigured. Alias for ctx["arc.config"].prompt
root: Command
The root command object. Alias for ctx["arc.root"]
state: dict[str, t.Any]
The state object passed in. Alias for ctx["arc.state"]
Makes the context a dependency
Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/runtime/
| @classmethod
def __depends__(cls, ctx: Context) -> Context:
"""Makes the context a dependency"""
return ctx
execute(command, **kwargs)
Execute a command within the context of another command
import arc
def command(ctx: arc.Context):
ctx.execute(sub, val=2)
def sub(val: int):
Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/runtime/
| def execute(self, command: Command, **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any:
"""Execute a command within the context of another command
import arc
def command(ctx: arc.Context):
ctx.execute(sub, val=2)
def sub(val: int):
return, **kwargs)
get_origin(param_name, default=None)
Gets the origin of a paramter
Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/runtime/
| def get_origin(self, param_name: str, default: T | None = None) -> str | T | None:
"""Gets the origin of a paramter"""
origins: dict[str, str] | None = self.get("")
if not origins:
return default
return origins.get(param_name, default)
set_origin(param_name, origin)
Sets the origin of a parameter
Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/runtime/
| def set_origin(self, param_name: str, origin: str) -> None:
"""Sets the origin of a parameter"""
origins = self.setdefault("", {})
origins[param_name] = origin