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Stdin = t.Union[t.Annotated[Stream, Stream.Args(sys.stdin)], io.StringIO] module-attribute

Read input from command line, or from stdin if - is passed as the argument


Bases: t.IO[str], abc.ABC

Obtains a handler to a file. Handles the access to the file, and gurantees that it is closed before exiting.


def command(file: File.Read):

There are constants defined on File (like File.Read above) for all common actions (Read, Write, Append, ReadWrite, etc...). View all of them below.

If none of the pre-defiend constants match your needs, you can customize it with an Annotated type.

def command(file: Annotated[File, File.Args(...)]):

File.Args's call signature matches that of open (minus the filename), so all of the same properties apply

File is Abstract and cannot be instantiated on it's own

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/types/
class File(t.IO[str], abc.ABC):
    """Obtains a handler to a file. Handles
    the access to the file, and gurantees that
    it is closed before exiting.

    ## Example
    def command(file: File.Read):

    There are constants defined on `File` (like `File.Read` above) for
    all common actions (`Read`, `Write`, `Append`, `ReadWrite`, etc...).
    View all of them below.

    If none of the pre-defiend constants match your needs, you can customize
    it with an `Annotated` type.

    def command(file: Annotated[File, File.Args(...)]):

    `File.Args`'s call signature matches that of `open` (minus the filename), so
    all of the same properties apply

    `File` is Abstract and cannot be instantiated on it's own

    class Args(TypeArg):
        __slots__ = (

        def __init__(
            mode: str = Default("r"),
            buffering: int = Default(-1),
            encoding: t.Optional[str] = Default(None),
            errors: OpenErrors = Default(None),
            newline: OpenNewline = Default(None),
            closefd: bool = Default(True),
            opener: t.Optional[t.Callable[..., t.Any]] = Default(None),
            self.mode = mode
            self.buffering = buffering
            self.encoding = encoding
            self.errors = errors
            self.newline = newline
            self.closefd = closefd
            self.opener = opener

    Read = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode="r")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "r")`"""
    Write = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode="w")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "w")`"""
    ReadWrite = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode="r+")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "r+")`"""
    CreateWrite = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode="x")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "x")`"""
    Append = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode="a")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "a")`"""
    AppendRead = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode="a+")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "a+")`"""

    BinaryRead = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args("rb")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "rb")`"""
    BinaryWrite = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args("wb")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "wb")`"""
    BinaryReadWrite = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args("rb+")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "rb+")`"""
    BinaryCreateWrite = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args("xb")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "xb")`"""
    BinaryAppend = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args("ab")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "ab")`"""
    BinaryAppendRead = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args("ab+")]
    """Equivalent to `open(filename, "ab+")`"""

Append = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode='a')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "a")

AppendRead = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode='a+')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "a+")

BinaryAppend = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args('ab')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "ab")

BinaryAppendRead = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args('ab+')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "ab+")

BinaryCreateWrite = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args('xb')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "xb")

BinaryRead = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args('rb')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "rb")

BinaryReadWrite = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args('rb+')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "rb+")

BinaryWrite = t.Annotated[t.BinaryIO, Args('wb')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "wb")

CreateWrite = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode='x')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "x")

Read = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode='r')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "r")

ReadWrite = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode='r+')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "r+")

Write = t.Annotated[t.TextIO, Args(mode='w')] instance-attribute class-attribute

Equivalent to open(filename, "w")


Bases: Stream

Read input from a file, or from a stdin if '-' is passed as the argument

Source code in /home/sean/sourcecode/arc/arc/types/
class StdinFile(Stream):
    """Read input from a file, or from a stdin if '-' is passed as the argument"""

    def __convert__(cls, value: str, info: TypeInfo[t.Any]) -> "t.IO[str]":
            return convert_type(_info.resolved_type, value, _info)
        except errors.ConversionError as e:
            raise errors.ConversionError(
                value, f"expected file or '-' to read from stdin"
            ) from e