class TypeInfo(t.Generic[T]):
def __init__(
original_type: at.Annotation,
origin: type[T],
sub_types: tuple[TypeInfo[t.Any], ...],
annotations: tuple[t.Any, ...],
name: str | None = None,
self.original_type = original_type
self.origin: t.Any = origin
self.sub_types = sub_types
self.annotations = annotations = (
or getattr(self.origin, "name", None)
or getattr(self.origin, "__name__", None)
or str(self.origin)
def type_arg(self) -> TypeArg | None:
args = (a for a in self.annotations if isinstance(a, TypeArg))
curr = next(args)
except StopIteration:
return None
for arg in args:
curr |= arg
return curr
def middleware(self) -> list[at.TypeMiddleware]:
return [a for a in self.annotations if callable(a)]
def param_info(self) -> constructors.ParamInfo | None:
for a in reversed(self.annotations):
if isinstance(a, constructors.ParamInfo):
return a
return None
def resolved_type(self) -> type[at.TypeProtocol]:
return Alias.resolve(self.origin)
def is_union_type(self) -> bool:
"""The type is `Union[T...]`"""
return self.origin in (t.Union, types.UnionType)
def is_optional_type(self) -> bool:
"""The type is `Optional[T]`"""
return (
self.origin in (t.Union, types.UnionType)
and len(self.sub_types) == 2
and self.sub_types[-1].original_type is type(None)
def is_collection_type(self) -> bool:
return self.origin in COLLECTION_TYPES
def analyze(cls, annotation: at.Annotation) -> TypeInfo[T]:
"""Create a `TypeInfo` object based on a type annotation"""
original_type = annotation
origin = t.get_origin(annotation) or annotation
annotated_args: tuple[t.Any, ...] = tuple()
if origin is t.Annotated:
args = t.get_args(annotation)
annotation = args[0]
origin = t.get_origin(annotation) or annotation
annotated_args = args[1:]
sub_types = tuple(cls.analyze(arg) for arg in t.get_args(annotation))
return cls(
origin=origin, # type: ignore